Israel To Close Dublin Embassy
Slagged of Donald Trump, Putin, and pissed of the Israelis, Diplomacy in Ireland might need a bit of a polish, so now we will be more dependent on Ursella von der Crazy and the EU.
Slagged of Donald Trump, Putin, and pissed of the Israelis, Diplomacy in Ireland might need a bit of a polish, so now we will be more dependent on Ursella von der Crazy and the EU.
Von Der Leyen finds criticism of her, and her inabilities very amusing. The E.U has lost its way, thanks to the likes of Von Der Leyen.
Democracy in the EU of NATO is just an illusion as seen previously in Ireland and now blatantly obvious in Romania, dont like a result, do a rerun.
George Carlin. Even more relevant today. Every single word still holds true. Even more so today. The EU’s Digital Services Act could be used to censor the internet on the flimsy basis of combatting ‘misinformation’, ‘disinformation’ and ‘hate speech’.
TATTERS! The number of #migrants in Hungary is zero. We will not surrender our country, we will not allow them to change our culture. #Hungary is our home, and we want to feel at home in it.
Anyone challenging Europe’s catastrophic sleepwalk into Vassal Status and economic irrelevance is called “Far Right”
The EU utopia of open borders and free movement collides with reality. That’s why the EU will ultimately fail.
69yr old gets 2yrs for claiming he was English, during a riot in UK.
Democracy works in the West?
A brilliant take down of Von der Crazy, only thing missing was the mic drop.
No wonder the Minger loves his job.