Peaceful Protest.
Protesting at Dail, Irish Autistic Children can’t get places in Irish schools.
Nadine is protesting outside the Irish Parliament for her children’s right as enshrined in the constitution, to an education.
Watching the gardai during work hours.
Snatch squad dragman from crowd push him to ground arrest him with no reasonable cause. Why are GARDA plc intent on causing breaches of the peace?
Protests, gardai, rights and Law
GARDA plc, threatened with arrest for covering the protest at O Connell st on the 19th Sept.
Some videos of todays Protests and sit down on O Connell Bridge.
Huge numbers of patriots took to the streets in Dublin City centre today to tell the govt enough is enough with mass migration.
Dee Live From Protest. 19 Sept. Speaking to Dr Ann Mc Closky, and more.