The individuals involved in criminal activity, violence, and rioting in both the UK and here should be condemned.

The individuals involved in criminal activity, violence, and rioting in both the UK and here should be condemned. However, both leaders in the UK will accomplish nothing by repeatedly labeling these people as “#RightWingThugs.” Governments in both countries must look at themselves and their policies before condemning the people. It’s ineffective to only address the symptoms of a problem without first tackling its root causes. The root of the problem is complex but fundamentally revolves around reckless immigration policies in both the UK and Ireland. Many of the protesters have legitimate concerns about the future, particularly with the influx of unknown cultures and individuals who are entering without proper background checks. Unfortunately, the situation is likely to deteriorate before it improves, until we have politicians who acknowledge the problem and take decisive action. Until then, citizens will continue to be in a state of unrest. The Red C poll last week clearly showed that 72% of the public believes too many people are arriving on our shores and exploiting our generosity. We are spending billions of taxpayers’ money on accommodating, feeding, clothing, and caring for people, many of whom should not be here. The breaking point is approaching, and only those in power can fix this by listening to their citizens and taking action. This means detaining individuals, including those without identification, in large reception centers at the ports (both North and South), processing them within 72 hours, and deporting the majority who are not genuine asylum seekers. Such measures would serve as a deterrent to others considering coming here. We have created this problem by ignoring the law and allowing open borders without consequences.

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