- The mass importation of people of differing cultures is designed to disrupt society. That’s what its purpose is.
- The next step was to implement propaganda and laws forbidding any criticism of this policy. Hate speech laws, calls for “tolerance” and other such mealy mouthed but purposely designed legislature and propaganda exist to incite citizens as they see their culture and homeland turned upside down.
- Now we are at the stage where provocateurs fuel the rising sentiment with the express purpose of creating chaos. Pitting one side against the other. Ants in a jar being shaken. The ants…you, never stop to question who is shaking the jar and why.
- The next step and we’re moving there quickly is the implementation of a police state. The citizens tired, fearful and confused will beg for someone to do something. Call in the military they’ll beg.
- And this is where full blown surveillance will come. Everyone should be tracked and traced (Yes the covid scam was test running the system..didn’t you know?) facial recognition, curfews/lockdowns (stay within 15 min of your home…yes the 15 min city…oh how convenient).
You’re being led folks. You’re the rats and the pied piper is playing his flute.
Remember. Countries controlled by globalists have a function for the politicians. That function is to implement unpopular policies that are dictated to them by the private sector (Deep state). It is a fascist setup designed to mask the perpetrators. In this fashion the politicians can take the blame for the disastrous policies implemented (in this instance unchecked immigration) and importantly they can be replaced with yet another set of automated mannequin stooges when the populace become disillusioned with them as they inevitably will. This is known and planned for. At each phase the citizens are given hope because the incoming puppets tell them the right stories in order to appease them, but as soon as they’re in power the politicians inevitably renege on the promises and continue implementing the required disastrous policies. Ask yourself why this is. Is it because they are simply liars or for some unknown reason can’t manage to implement the policies promised during election cycle? No it’s because they never did and never will work for the people. They answer to corporate interests and always have. This allows for the power brokers to remain in charge while being unaccountable. This structure has been in place for a long time. It is what we today call “Democracy”. Since the policy changes are now rapid and accelerating (The Great Reset) the rate of change for people is too dramatic and the awakening by citizens has become a problem. Now conflict is the result. The reason the globalists are accelerating the rate of change is due to the impending debt collapse. They are running out of time (remember the repo crisis of late 2019??) It is why they need to enforce a police state ahead of reneging on all pensions, social security and all obligations made under the “socialist democracies” of the west. Anyone with fifth grade math and a functioning brain knows that it can’t and won’t last. Their aim is to have this control grid well in place in order to self detonate the system and not only retain control but control/steal absolutely everything (you’ll own nothing and be happy). We are now in the collapse of this system. The reason you’re seeing international conflict is for multiple reason. Firstly it aids in distracting a populace from the crimes committed by your own leaders (how many “leaders” or officials have gone to prison for the Covid scam crimes committed and millions murdered with the poison and millions more now “suddenly” getting turbo cancer, and a host of other “mysterious ailments?). Secondly power abhors a vacuum and human beings are by nature attracted to power and repelled by being governed by others. The global south largely now understands the push to a one world globalist technocratic system. The varying structures of control (IMF debt, military bases, trade agreements, threats, assassinations, coups etc) that have kept them in check to the Western bankers and technocratic Deep state are now fragmenting much in the same way the Roman empire lost control of its proxies and outer perimeters, and in this power vacuum new alliances are forming and being challenged. Keep in mind the world of geopolitics, finance and power is messy and made up of multiple vying and varying interests. It should not be thought of as “good guys” and “bad guys”. That is Hollywood programming which is not only useless as a framework but completely at odds with reality.
This is a time to understand long term cycles, history, capital flows as much of the western indebted world is about to go through an incredibly painful period of time. Some countries and people may manage to repel this but the pressures are intense and people are fast asleep bamboozled by mindless self gratification, short term thinking and their bodies and minds are definitely not calloused to dealing with hard times. The positive side is that in such times we have the opportunity for small independent city states to develop. This is more easily achieved in jurisdictions which don’t have to go through a debt collapse, may have already done so and where their own fourth turning is decades out. It is what happens in chaos.
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